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Image by Kelly Sikkema

Systems & Scaling

Souly Digital is the support the visionaries need to strategise, schedule, actualise and eventually scale their business with flawless systems and processes. 

I'm a details person - I love logistics, organisation & strategising. But if you don't then these services are for you. Every business and team member, no matter what industry they're in, should know exactly what they offer, what their goals are, when to work on them, when they need to be done by and what exactly is required. With the right systems in place you will be crystal clear on what needs your attention each day and what is being covered by someone else. 


So I can support you in your:

  • Task management, organisation and scheduling

  • Project management on sites like Asana, ClickUp & Notion

  • Offer design, mapping and planning

  • Team delegation and management

  • Set up and management of backend systems like Calendly, Flodesk, Stan etc.



Packages & Pricing

Each business has a customised package developed for their needs after a free consultation. But, here are two packages we can always use as a starting point. Alternatively you might just want my assistance in setting up one site or system for you, which I can quote in a consultation.​

Image by Covene
Image by Marissa Grootes

This is a 4-week package where we work together to get your systems and processes set up in a simple and clear way for you to eventually manage.​


  • x1 2-hour strategy session to get crystal clear on what your business needs and what system would work best

  • The configuration and design of a digital organisation system that you and/or your entire team can use

  • x3 weekly 30-minute adjustment sessions where we discuss how the system can be shifted to be more effective 

  • A PDF guide on how to monitor and 'clean' the system on a monthly basis


Investment for this package begins at $444 AUD.

This is an ongoing monthly package where I organise and manage not only the system we create - but any projects that arise in your business. ​


This monthly package includes:

  • x4 45-min weekly project management meetings

  • Up to 20 hours of project management across the month


Investment begins at $1495 AUD per month.

Image by Rowan Neal

What are you waiting for?

No strings attached!

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